Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Papers and Salmon and Narcissism (?)

Again procrastinating my paper (due tomorrow). Good news is that one of my finals was cancelled  and is now a 2 page paper on the meaning of culture. Superb. 

Made some salmon for me and my boyfriend last night. Unfortunately, I didn't have much else, so I found a simple recipe on food network: Salt and Pepper Salmon from Tyler Florance (aka really simple salmon)

Not too bad. Really simple. Served it with some salad. :) I can't wait until I have the time and money to make REAL food. Just a few more months. 

For my HDFS class (Human Development and Family Studies) we had to listen to a radio show featuring Jean Twenge. It talked about "Generation Me" and how the end of Generation X and all of Generation Y are all narcissists. I personally think that it is very insulting.

Mostly I am insulted that Twenge seems to be blaming this Me generation for the "problems" that it is having. However, it is the parents and society that has shaped these children. These children, unfortunately, are the result of over-parenting and over-praise. Of course there is nothing wrong with praise, but only when it is deserved. 

I'll try not to rant too much because I have a lot to say on the subject. 

Any thoughts on the interview?


Monday, April 27, 2009

Two Weeks (and counting)

Well, I survived Spring Weekend. Actually,  I only went out on Saturday night. I ended up being a bum on Thursday and Friday night. Saturday was fun though, we went to the Bar for a little then went to see the comotion at X-lot (which is a parking lot that was filled with about 30,000 people). The usual. We ended up staying there for about 30 minutes and then we left. Better things to do. 

I went with my boyfriend, two of my best girl friends, and thier boyfriends. It was actually interesting. The girls all stood around and were talking about babies and weddings. I guess we are all ready for school to be over and to get on with our lives. It is nice to have friends that have the same goals and values. 

Anyway. I actually had to go home yesterday to give my parents my graduation tickets!! Two weeks from yesterday! I can't wait! 

And now the only things standing in my way are finals and a Term Paper, due on thursday. I should really get started on that. :/

Til next time


Thursday, April 23, 2009

spring weekend

At Uconn there is a weenend which trumps all weekends. It is called spring weekend. Where tens of thousands of college students and thier friends gather for a weekend of drunken fun. It starts tonight. 

I'm am not sure if I am excited about it this year. I feel that I have grown out of it alittle. There are only so many of those that you can go to before they start melding together in your mind. Each year kids stand around drinking massive amounts of beer and fall down. Do I really need to see it again?

That being said, I will definately go. I can't miss my last opportunity for a party. But I think this year I will just be an observer. 

It is actually very interesting to watch the interactions of the freshmen and thier green friends. It truly is an unique experience, even though it is mostly inappropirate. Oh well. Hopefully I will have some good stories to post. Off to make some memories (after my classes, that is). 

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Next Step

I'm sitting here in my room, procrastinating, and thinking about what my Management professor said to my class the other day... "I know that you are all seniors, and I sympathize. But your grades do not reflect my sympathies." Well that is unfortunate. 

Not that I am doing poorly, but the motivation to continue with the last leg of my college career is non-existent. I have had my eye set on the prize for so long. The prize of course being freedom, and the ability to start the part of my life that actually means something. Family. Love. A Life.

College, for me, has been fighting against the stereotype. Everyone (not just kids, but also adults) thinks of college as an excuse to get drunk and go wild. But why do we need to subject ourselves to that and fall into that path of self destruction (by way of alcohol poisoning)? At least, that is the way that I always thought about it. I never wanted to be like that. Don't get me wrong, I have gone to the bars and experienced nickle night. But to me, it seems like that is everyone's goal. Everyone's plans stop the moment after graduation. 

For me, college has been a time to learn and expand my line of thought. But it has also enabled many things which I feel are directly connected. Because of my education, I will be able to get a job with a reasonable salary, save for a wedding and a house (the whole white picket fence thing), and eventually be able to stay home with my children. 

You may think "Whoa! This girl is just graduating from college, why is she thinking that far in advance?" I swear, I'm not crazy. I just feel that those have always been my priorities. Having a large and happy family. And when I think of that "prize" I feel more calmed and more fulfilled. And believe it or not, it is what is getting me through these next three weeks until graduation. 


And, on that note, I will go work on a presentation that is due tomorrow for that Management class. 

And it begins...

Hello all.

I first have to say that I have no clue who is going to read this, but I hope that you like it and find it insightful. 

I suppose that I should tell you some basics, so that you know where I'm coming from. 

I live in Connecticut, have two wonderful parents and a dog (no siblings), a wonderful boyfriend, and (thankfully) a job lined up for June... after my graduation from the University of Connecticut. I am majoring in Marketing with minors in Psychology and Communiction. I find people and thier decisions facinating. 

That being said... please enjoy.